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Photo Credit: The Drew Barrymore Show/Ash Bean     

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Millie Bobby Brownis telling Drew all about her new film “Damsel,” her new Florence by Mills fashion line which she and Drew are both wearing, turning twenty, getting engaged and so much more. Plus, Millie’s sitting on the confession couch and answering a round of questions.



Drew on the Passing of Her Dog Lucy & Millie on Fostering 23 Dogs

Drew: Douglas is having a little bit of a hard time getting on too. Do you see that?

Millie: I have a senior dog too. I rescue senior dogs. Yeah, I have right now I actually have a 17-year-old dog who I rescued, who was like, dumped on the streets and then, and they're just, it's so sad. And so right now I'm at like, nine dogs. How many do you have?

Drew: Well, his girlfriend Lucy who is 11 just passed away last week and it has been so hard. I know it's such a transition.

Millie: But at least he has you at work.

Drew: Well, and now our cat lucky all of a sudden he never let her in before. She'd always wanna, like, cuddle up to him and he was like, no, no, no, no. Now he's like, I woke up this morning and they were spooning. So, you know, it's like, they know.

Millie: Yeah, they do know and they grieve and I rescue many dogs. I'm fostering 23 dogs right now.

Drew: That is amazing.


Millie on Her Parents & In-Laws Both Meeting Young & Serving as Inspiration for Her and Jake

Drew: I was doing some math and I was thinking about your in laws to be and your parents.

So they, your, your father and mother in law to be, met in high school, high school sweethearts and then got married around nine ish years later.

Millie: I'm actually not sure. I mean, when we ask them, they're just like, ‘Yeah, we got married in Vegas, you know.’ I'm like, ‘Ok, you're really cool.’

Drew: And then your parents met at around 20?

Millie: Yeah. My, my mom was 21. My dad was 19 and yes.

Drew: Oh older lady.

Millie: She didn't know that. He lied. Red flag, red flag, by the way. But also he's the best man ever. So we love him.

Drew: And they're still all together and they all met young. Still together.

Millie: Yeah, still together. And I think that's huge. Like, you know, it's very rare, right? Like, you know, just in our world today. And I feel like, you know, that's not to say like it's good or bad.

It's just to say that we grew up with really wonderful relationships to observe and I think that it just set a precedent for what we want in our lives and I just think that, yeah, I watch my parents, like, fall more in love every day and that same goes for when I see Jake's parents and I think that's just what we wanna, you know, in hopes to achieve for ourselves.

Drew: Like, that's a model to aspire to on both sides.


Millie Reveals Movie Her Mom Showed Her When She Said She Wanted to be An Actress

Drew: It's hard to pick which one because there are so many aspects to talk about. But I'll start with Angela Bassett.

Millie: Well, ‘What's Love Got to do With It.’

Drew: Which is one of my favorites. Remember her and Lawrence Fishburne were both nominated for Academy Awards. It's the best performances, the best movie I was obsessed with Angela Bassett in that.

Millie: My mom was like, ‘All right, you wanna be an actor? Sit down’ and I was just like, ‘What's love got to do with it?’ She is such an amazing, she's an amazing person, great presence.But she also, you know, to observe her and watch her work. You're just like, wow, like you've always been good.

Drew: She really, well, she comes up to you and there's a warning and I'm going along with this film and I'm like, where is this going, wait a minute? Why, what's going on with her spider senses? It goes on a ride. There are things that happen where I don't expect and I'm like, ‘Oh my God. They're not gonna do that. They did that.’


Millie on Doing All Her Own Stunts in “Damsel” 

Millie: That's how I felt like filming. Yeah, because you're just like, ‘Are we really gonna, like, am I really gonna do that stunt?’ And then that day they're like, ‘Yeah, put the harness on’ and I just, like, did the stunt as if it wasn't like, you know, Tom Cruise level stuff. I like, felt like Tom Cruise.

Drew: Tom Cruise is the coolest.

Millie: So cool. And so in this film, I feel like the female version of Tom Cruise, I did all my own stunts from start to finish and I'm really, I'm, you know, scared about doing my own stunts.

Stunts are scary.


Couch Confessions: Millie & Drew on Turn-Offs, Bad Habits & More

Drew: Who's your favorite fictional Prince Charming?

Millie: Sirius Black.

Drew: Who's that?

Millie: Harry Potter.

Drew: Oh Right. Of course. Sorry. Ghosts real or not?

Millie: Real.

Drew: What's your biggest turn off?

Millie: Masks.

Drew: Wait, are you afraid of masks?

Millie: Yes. When people wear masks, I just feel disconnected. And so ‘Stranger Things,’ everyone that I meet at these science fiction events wear masks. Like they're either a Marvel character or they're this or they're a spider. And I'm like, nope, if you wanna meet me, you gotta take it off. So that's my rule. That's my boundary. I just don't feel like I can connect with you if I can't see your eyes.

Drew: Well, of course, my first crush was Darth Vader. So I don't know what that's about.

Millie: That is maybe my biggest red flag. Darth Vader is a huge red flag. By the way, Jake, like obsessed with ‘Star Wars’ and he has a bunch of masks in the house.

Drew: Favorite Jon Bon Jovi song.

Millie: Runaway.

Drew: Bad habit you can't break

Millie: Biting my knuckles.

Drew: Favorite rom com.

Millie: I just watched, what is that new one out with Sydney Sweeney?

Drew: ‘Anyone But You?’…Strangest place you've ever woken up?

Millie: Oh, in a closet I sleepwalk.

Drew: Best skincare secret someone has shared with you.

Millie: My mom says, never pluck your eyebrows.

Drew: She would have been very mad at me in the nineties. Name a trait that makes you swoon.

Millie: Oh, if you're good with animals.